Monday 22 December 2014

22.12.14 - Still not feeling Christmassy

Hello All! I have no idea what to do this post about so I will just tell you a bit about my day, I have done some work to my blog over the past few days I have been away by adding an about me page. However I have no idea on how to make it visible which is annoying but I will definitely figure it out tomorrow so fingers crossed we can get that working.

This morning I started the day with a cuppa tea made by my lovely mother and some digestive biscuits watching the top christmas film chart on the telly. I was quite disappointed at the one that came first which was 'It's a wonderful life' as I have never watched it and expected a really joyful christmasy film to come first like 'Elf' or 'The Grinch' (which are two of my complete favourites I have to say). But weirdly this has made me realise I am so uneducated in films and really haven't watched many classic films, so I think this boxing day I'm going to cram in as many classics I can think of and write about them on my blog just to be able to say I have watched them.

I am very frustrated at the minute as we have just moved house and every room in the place is nicely finished and clean with everything put away, and mine still has a tower of boxes that still haven't been unpacked. How is this fair that every box has been stuffed in my room for storage until someone can be bothered to unpack it? I think my mission tomorrow is going to be sorting everything out and hopefully having a tidy room before I get the train back up to sunderland to see my family. Which leads me on to saying I am so not feeling any christmas spirit this year, I felt it in October but now days before christmas I just can't get it into my head. I have tried watching every christmas movie on TV and wearing jumpers sipping on hot chocolate, going to winter wonderland and nothing is working! Never the less I am excited to go up North to see all the family which I never get to see often so when I see us all together i am so grateful and happy. I guessI just want to end this year with some quality family time as at the end of the day they are the actual genuine people who we should cherish time with, and to be honest 2014 has definitely not been my year so to spend quality time with people that matters to me makes me feel so blessed.

So as I listen to Idina Menzel's christmas album I am going to share with you my amazing christmas buy my dad got me today, this AMAZING Michael Kors bag. I am seriously in love with it and it is so my style. It will go with mostly anything as it is black, white and grey and can also be used in summer which makes it so versatile. My mum also took me out for cocktails tonight which was so lovely as I love spending quality time with her as she is so important to me. Seriously my mam comes before anyone else in my life, she has done so much for me and is my best friend who I would be lost without.

So I think my main message this christmas is cherish your family. i can't wait to spend time with mine! 3 more sleeps, goodnight my lovelies x

Thursday 18 December 2014

Sorry, I got lost.

I am so sorry for neglecting this blog for such a long time and not posting, 10 months is a very long time oops! I guess my head has been in several different places allowing me no time to even glance at this blog, however I'm back and am going to try and blog more often, and hopefully do a post a day during the christmas period, fingers crossed.

10 months is a massive amount of time where a lot of things can happen, in my case I've went through much a character change and journey throughout these past months. I have became ridiculously close to people who have also became my enemies, made friends, had a boyfriend for 6 of the months, but now do not, been reunited with my mother in London, lost all contact with certain people, got closer to my dream. Its been an odd ride. However I'm back to start a fresh. I find it so crazy how you can change, and go in many directions in your personality and the way you act which are influenced by certain individuals, and it takes that one person to tell you what a dick your being to realise what is good and bad for you, and where along the way did you lose yourself. This is what I've found extremely difficult, and at first it is hard to hear because you are telling yourself it isn't true, however you know in the pit of your stomach something isn't right. I know this is terribly deep for a post however I promise this will lighten up, I just needed to get it off my chest. As a lot of people know I have an obsession with Cara Delevingne and yesterday she put an amazing quote discussing about getting all the negativity out of your life, and I have done just that and feel 100% a better person. I just feel all the drama and bitcheyness is gone which are two things I really don't need and its great to actually put time and effort into the people that are worth caring about.

The Genius life changing Cara quote --------->

Okay enough of the deep shit and more about christmas! Now, I have had so much difficulty with christmas this year as I have no idea what I want, this is very unusual for me and its very frustrating when I see peoples faces fill with worry when I say this as I'm such a picky person. This is first hand evidence I'm going to get a load of rubbish this year, however I'm not too bothered as I'm far more excited for the family bonding! Something I love about my families christmas is how everyone comes together literally to be silly and play old school board games which is fabulous and makes christmas for me every year.  

Seasons greetings and see you tomorrow. x
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Sunday 9 February 2014

Touch - a - Touch - a - Touch me

wow it has been ages since my last post! sorry about the lack of blogging I've been doing recently its just I've been getting back into the swing of college! Any way some cool things have been happening recently, I have been organising a trip to kavos with some of my best'ns. As you can probably tell it is going to be a wild holiday jam packed with, sun, beach and booze, which i am terribly looking forward too! it may end up slightly messy but who cares thats what kavos is about!

The next thing is i have been handing my CV around looking for a job, i desperately want one so i can help my mother out who is currently paying for everything at the minute and start taking some responsibility for myself! and maybe treat myself now and again to some clothes! oooopsie I said it.

And also college is going great at the moment! We are doing the show of rocky horror, which some of you may know is very sexual and outrageous! but also includes amazing songs such as 'time warp', 'sweet transvestite' and 'touch a touch a touch me'. So I was really nervous as the auditions were in front of the whole class and the aim of the game was to be as filthy as possible, its safe to say i went really out of my comfort zone and delivered pure filth, I very much surprised myself! (So there is one new years resolution ticked off) And then things got even better when I got the part of sexual Janet, I was overwhelmed! However it is a lot of hard work and to an extent a lot pressure as I know i have to deliver amazing things to prove they picked the right girl. Anyway I feel it is going well and can't wait for it to be performed as we are all having so much fun working on it and I can tell it is going to show in our performance when it is fabulous!

So this was a very short post but I promise I will be back soon! Meanwhile I hope you have noticed that I have worked out and added the follow button to my blog so I would be forever grateful for you to click it and follow me! also while I'm at it follow me on twitter and instagram (twitter - @natashaagnew instagram - natashaagnew) and comment to my blogs if you are enjoying them and give me suggestions for new posts! lots of february love from tashaaaa  x

Thursday 2 January 2014

A Late Secret Santa

Today me and my friends finally did our secret santa (even though its past christmas) and it has been the first time in the christmas holidays that we have actually had a nice girly chat and bonded. We sat around playing christmas music and eating chinese food from the take away, it was gorgeous and a right laugh! Any way this post is mainly to share with you the wonderful things my secret santa got for me and i couldn't be any more grateful as they are lovely!
first of all i got a Toblerone, which is probably my favourite chocolate and i can't wait to eat it as its just looking at me from the top of my desk! just thinking about it now is making my mouth water, ahhh.
I also got a necklace (the one with the gold heart) and a bracelet (the pink daisy) these items are the most cutest little accessories a girl could have and would look great in summer, and i think the necklace would look lovely and complete a collard top/shirt.
 If you knew me you would know i am a sucker for candles that smell really sweet and sugary and no matter what time of day it is i have one burning in my room, so as you can see i got a yankee candle called 'Summer Scoop' which basically smells like Berry Ice creams and also reminds me terribly of summer, my santa also got me a sweet little white candle holder complete with white wired and metal hearts which i am going to use to make my bedroom in London more homely.
One of my worst habits is changing my nail colour weekly and making them as jazzy and bright as humanly possible! So i was thrilled when i found a new colour nail varnish in my favourite brand for nail varnishes in my gift bag. The BarryM nail varnish which is called 'raspberry' is a deep red colour and will look great to spark up a black outfit or dull colours. I shall be applying this as soon as possible!
And last but not least is my other obsession LUSH! i got a bath bomb called 'Space Girl' which in my opinion smells like the small sweets parma violets. it is a mix between red and purple and is very glittery which is going to turn my bath amazing colours.  The reason why i love lush bath bombs is because they smell delicious and moisturise the skin so so so much leaving you so soft and smelling good!

So over all this year i got some wonderful gifts and it just shows that my santa knows me far too well! Thank you for reading my post and i will be back with more very soon!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year Everybody!

 First things First... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I hope everyone had an unbelievable 2013 and I'm sure this up coming year will be no disappointment!

So as you can see this is my first ever blog post, which is pretty scary but exciting, i was a bit stuck on what to talk about as you don't know much about me and since its my first post i want it to be good! So i thought what a better way to start the new year and let you know a bit more about myself than doing a new years resolution post! i know what your thinking! everyone thinks no-one keeps there resolutions and most of them

are unrealistic, but I'm going to list 5 and keep you informed throughout the year if any of them are broken... so here it goes!

1. ORGANISATION! - A very boring but realistic one to kick off on. But what you need to know is i am the most un-organised person in the whole world! and i need this to keep onto of my college work as i am horrendous at forgetting things and running home at dinner time (which is too much exercise for me)

2.TIME KEEPING - Another boring one but along with the un-organisation gene i was also blessed with being late everywhere! no matter hoe important the event the snooze button on my alarm is my best friend! even in the afternoon i get so easily distracted I'm always late!

3.STOP BEING A HOPELESS ROMANTIC - This may seem a little strange but i am always falling for people and caring so much but always getting let down! Also if a guy takes the smallest interest in me i always jump to conclusions and think he likes me which leads me on getting too attached which i can tell you SUCKS! so in my opinion this needs to stop!

4.TAKING PRIDE IN APPEARANCE - the amount of lazy days i have had at college where i have thrown my joggers and a baggy t-shirt on with some comfy shoes and my hair tied up have been off the scale! don't get me wrong these days are great and are good the odd few times, but this has got into a habit and the amount of flawless people walking around school make me look like a scruff! I'm going to start sorting out my wardrobe, looking after my skin and generally looking flawless EVERY day!

5.TAKING EVERY OPPORTUNITY I CAN - Finally this is my last one and probably the most important! I am so bad at sitting back thinking people are going to judge me or thinking I'm not good enough and not putting myself forward. There are so many opportunities and amazing experiences that come to college that i shouldn't be missing out on so this year its full steam ahead and I'm going to put myself out there!

Thank you zoo much for reading this post, sorry if i blabbered on too much but i enjoyed writing this. I hopefully will be blogging quite often (I don't know how often yet but we will soon find out) so subscribe and comment if you enjoyed this and i can't wait to write more! ps. the photos were took with my closest family on new years eve! x